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AEM CD-7 with Haltech 2500 Elite - Manifold pressure display incorrect

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Hi all,

I seem to be having an issue with the display number on the AEM dash. I currently have the latest software on the dash 2.2.3 and also the latest 3.01.1 release on the Haltech 2500 Elite.

If the pressure is at barometric when the engine is off the dash should read in KPA the same on Each device, problem is they don't. They seem to be off by baro pressure. After some playing and comparing data between them, it seems that the AEM dash is not able to match the unit being output from the Haltech.

AEM dash doesn't have an option for KPA (absolute) unless I am missing something in the dash or not thinking of a way to do this. I have also compared this to the PDM which Show to be the same.

Does anyone have any info on this?

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