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Coolant Pressure Switch options

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Hey All

I'd like to add a coolant pressure switch (BMW inline 6, normally aspirated, Motec M130, PWM controlled electric water pump with the thermostat removed, budget endurance race car). I don't have any spare analogue voltage inputs but do have digital inputs spare on the ECU. I really just want a warning device for coolant leaks, or probably just major coolant leaks.


- is this even a good idea and will it be useful in practice? Really just want an early warning for the driver if there is a coolant leak

- can I mount this in the head? I have wiring and a spare M12x1.5 port that could take the sensor in the head

- I do have a port in the radiator I can use but wiring would be much more work. Is this a better location?

- any make/model of the switch that might suit above M12x1.5 ideally and what pressure the switch should operate at

Thanks in advance


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