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Couple of qustions related to Link G4 (not G4+)

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Hi everyone.

Questions is to tuners expirienced with Link G4.

I have a plug-in G4 in my Skyline GT-R (BNR32) and i got couple questions:

Firs of all - i'm going to change injectors to ID1000 so a full retune will be required i think, and i wanted to ask can i switch to VE-model on my old ECU?

Second question - i want to run my own made micro-controller to control the speed of my fuel pumps, to prevent fuel heat-soacking. I want it to get information from CAN to control the pump. This will allow more flexibility than just get the TPS signal. But i cant find standard CAN connector pinout for LInk ecu, which wires are can-low and can-high.

Sorry for poor english, if I dod not explained everything correctly.

I can't answer your first question, but according to the infomation in the G4 Manual found here:


You will find CAN H on Pin 3 and CAN L on Pin 4 of the Communications Port. Picture attached showing the pinouts.

Attached Files

Unfortunately the VE fuel model is only supported on the G4+/iSeries Vipec. A major change like injectors will require a retune however you should be able to get the fuel map pretty close by altering the master fuel pulse width to correct the fuel delivery based on the relative size of the old and new injectors. The master fuel parameter is a little course so you can make finer changes by selecting the entire fuel map and making a percentage change either up or down as required. There is some information in this webinar - https://www.hpacademy.com/previous-webinars/injector-scaling-on-the-link-g4-plus-ecu/

The CAN communications on the G4 unfortunately is quite rudimentary and doesn't allow for user configurable CAN messaging. You would really need to use a G4+/iSeries to do this.

Yeah, i saw that webinar, i just wanted to switch to VE tuning if need a retune anyway, well, not this time )

As for Can - i'm ok with standart CAN information transfered to Link-Dispaly. For now i want to make it throttle dependant, linear increase in fuel pump "dytu clycle" if it can be called so, and then after about 60-70% throttle no correction to fuel flow and after throttle is off a delay about 5-10 seconds before removing 100% fuel flow.

David Ferguson - thank you very much, i thought manual i have "in-paper" is the same on the web so i didn't even locked to it.

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