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crank angle sensors

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Honeywell GT101 Hall sensors are not suitable for a trigger sensor. this is form link and i have one fitted to my car with a link ecu . my qustion is / why do they say it is not suitable thanks for your thaughts dj

Because it will have problems with hight RPMs if you have a triggerwheel with a high thoothcount. I have one with a 24 thooth wheel and have no problems with it. I beleive a 48 wheel is max on a "normal" engine.

I also think the GT-101 is designed for evenly spaced teeth, and conditions it's output signal. Missing teeth can cause a problem with it's internal circuitry from what I understand. So it will work great for wheel speeds or crank trigger ignition systems, but not for many ECU implementations.

You might try asking Link the reason for their advice.

As David said, the GT101 sensors have an issue with missing teeth, this is why they are not recommended for use on trigger wheels that are configured as such.

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