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Crank Sensor Interference?

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Hi. Now I have resolved previous RPM issues I have come across a problem whereby when the waste gate opens and backfires the lambda cuts out and also, intermittently, the crank sensor signal for a split second. I assume this is interference from the backfire in the exhaust when the waste gate opens.

Any ideas how to mitigate?



Misfires can be tricky to nail down because the misfire may be caused by a triggering issue, or a triggering error may be induced by a misfire. Figuring out which is causing the other can be a challenge.

Can you offer more info on what you mean by "when the waste gate opens"?

Generally I'd hit similar RPM but at reduced load and see if everything is fine in terms of engine operation. If ok, then do a scope trace at that RPM and see if there triggering signals are OK. If OK, then it looks more like an engine operating condition may be the cause, and the triggering error may be the effect.

If the trigger scope looks funky, then triggering is likely the cause, and misfiring is the effect.

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