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DBW lag, or what is considered "no-lag" in DBW?

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What time i ms is considered "no-lag" on DBW setups?

I mean pressing Pedal and looking at the log how fast throttle position starts to respond to DBW target? Especially with very fast slam to the floor and release?

What I managed to do is 0.02sec open and 0.03sec on closing. Logged it using 100Hz on Emtron ECU, also on Motec dash over CAN at 50Hz.. Attached is screenshot from i2 software (on all graphs "Up Sampling" was changed to Previous, default is Linear)

Also I got some logs from EVO X Group A Rally cars using Motec M800, so the lag there was about 0.1sec, but is was logged at 20Hz...

Attached Files

Any dbw throttle body will inherently have some lag or latency. No matter how good the control system is, we are still dealing with a mechanical system and hence the response can't be instant. This latency tends to get worse with larger throttle plates as there is more mass in the plate that needs to be moved by the servo motor.

looking at your logs, I would say that your system is performing very well and the lag you are seeing is about what you could reasonably expect.

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