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Dynapack over-run tuning

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hey guys, we have a 2wd dynapack and I’m wanting to tune the over run(7500-3500rpm). Is there a way to do this on a dynapack. When ever we lift off the throttle the rpm drops like it’s in neutral.


Unfortunately due to the low inertia in the dynapack you don't really get the ability to access the over run areas. You can get closer by selecting 1st or 2nd gear and using that at light throttle since the increased torque multiplication tends to help you reach the low load areas. Complete throttle-closed however will result in the axles almost immediately stopping. It's a fundamental design aspect of the dynapack dyno.

Thanks Andre,

Are you aware if the Mainline ProHub has the same issue?


I have a ProHub and have used Dynapacks in the past, it is definitely easier to tune light load and tip in and out of overrun on the ProHub in my opinion . If you declutch on the ProHub the drivetrain will coast down, not as slowly as an inertia dyno but slow enough.

I made a long post in this forum on another thread about my experience with the ProHub as compared to a Dynapack . Might be useful to you if you are considering buying one.

Overrun can be easily be calibrated on the road.

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