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Emu pro 8 Dwell time error

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Hi all,

I just got my supra Na-t 2jz project running.

I have an emu pro 8, running on a vvti 2jz using the OEM trigger sensors for crank and cam and running R35 GTR ignition coils.

The first start has just been done and now im starting to dial in idle and static revs in preparation for some road and eventually dyno tuning.

During this process I found that my coil 6 and 3 produce some dwell time errors, I attached the trigger scopes, log and map in this thread. The dwell times where provided by the maufacturer of the COP kit who supplied the coils,bracket and PNP harness for the kit.

Especially on some higher revs the car seems to misfire a bit and I am curious if these dwell time errors could have something to do with it, or if they are even an issue at all.

I couldnt seem to be able to attach my files directly so I put them here:



Observation made: When I adjust the crank trigger edge from falling to rising the coil 6 dwell error increases to 2ms, only coil 6, thats a massive step up form the 0,3ms max I had in the post above.

Another observation,

Both coil 3 and 6 have the dwell time errors, when i switched coil 5 and 6 around the car ran beautifully. Stupid me forgot to pull a log.

Shut the car off and started it again after about 30 mins and I have the same misfires back. Checking the wiring with a multimeter doesnt show anything wrong.

When I got the harness for the COP kit the 12V pin in connector 6 wasnt crimped on, I fixed that and checked all other connectors. Nothing else strange was found.

Common denominator is that because of the firing order of the 2jz, 3 and 6 fire together. That point me back to a trigger/signal issue but I need some help in finding that....

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