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Fix IDLE when AC is engaged

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Hello HP Academians

I have EMU Black ECU and i'm trying to fix my IDLE . Currently when i enable AC Clutch and when on IDLE the RPMs drop and the engine Stalls. Without the AC clutch engaged the idle is almost fine

I don't have AC switch connected to my EMU (lack of switches and inputs at the moment)

Any idea how to fix this problem ?

If you can't wire in the A/C signal, then have you tried increasing the ignition timing at a point just below your desired idle speed. You need to cause the engine to make more torque just below the non-loaded idle speed, so when an additional load is added, the engine doesn't stall and makes enough torque to compensate. Might also want to make the engine slightly richer (again in the hope of making more torque) with lower engine speed.

Another thought -- tune the idle with the A/C on -- then just live with a slightly higher idle with the A/C off.

Depending on your specific application, you may be able to fit an idle (AKA idle up, or fast idle) solinoid wired to the A/C switch.

Actually I might figured out how to add the Ac input but so far tried to tune the engine with AC on.

The problem is when I'm driving and car idles like on a red light the engine stall because ac is engaged (automatic via another box) and because of other factors the idle just drop bellow my target and engine dies.

When the ac is not engaged everything if fine... Or. At least close to fine

I will get more data and return to this thread if the problem is resolved or not

Do you have an Idle Air Valve? If so, what does your Idle Ref Table look like?

You can also use the Idle Ignition Correction to add timing below your target (and more the farther from the target you are), and remove timing if you are above your target. What does the Idle Ignition Correction table look like?

Perhaps it would be best if you just uploaded your project -- then we can see what you have configured.

Added AC as input in the EMU Black and raised the RPMs in Idle with 100 when the AC clutch is engaged. It took me a while to figure out how exactly to do it but with the help of the Ecumaster community and just a single analog input i was able to do it.

I'm using Drive by Wire so when idle is enabled it should be automatically corrected by the ECU. That's why it was crucial for me to have an AC input.

All fixed and moved to another things that need to be fixed like IDLE optimization and transient conditions.

Thank you guys :)

Added AC as input in the EMU Black and raised the RPMs in Idle with 100 when the AC clutch is engaged. It took me a while to figure out how exactly to do it but with the help of the Ecumaster community and just a single analog input i was able to do it.

I'm using Drive by Wire so when idle is enabled it should be automatically corrected by the ECU. That's why it was crucial for me to have an AC input.

All fixed and moved to another things that need to be fixed like IDLE optimization and transient conditions.

Thank you guys :)

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