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G4 vs G4+ vs G4X RB26

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Hi all, I currently have a Power FC which may be going faulty. The Link G4+ or X isn't in the budget right now but I can get a G4 for around £500.

What would you consider are the biggest features that I'm going to miss vs the newer Link models on my engine?

There were a lot of changes between G4 and G4+, and it has been many years since I've seen a G4, but my recollection is the biggest improvements to me were:

being able to choose what to datalog instead of being stuck with their preset list of monitors

the modeled fuel strategy which made it a more modern ECU

more tables, because I always used them up on G4 and couldn't do enough

programmable CAN

g4+ also added traction control, better idle, etc.

g4x has far better logging capacity, again more tables, more features, better CAN capabilities and Link has continue to refine their product so while the G4x may not necessarily have tons of bullet points compared to G4+, things that did exist, work better on G4x.

If you have to get a G4 due to budget now, aren't using e-throttle or a second CAN bus, I don't recall there being wiring changes over the generations that would require rework for you when you upgrade to g4+ or g4x later.

Thanks Mike, also looks like the G4 doesn't have any knock monitoring or control. Might just have to wait until I can get the G4X.

That's correct. If you can get a G4x you'll be in great shape. They're lovely. I don't know what your RB26 is in, but if you have the factory wiring harness in place, their plug and play option makes for easy install.

Based on experience, G4 is a no-go.

G4X only if LINK.

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