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Help with haltech 1500 on k20

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Just installed a elite 1500 p&p kit into my K20 superchargered S1 Exige, also installed a Wb1 and ic7

I've loaded up their base map for a k20 changed the map to forged induction, and map reference for fuel,and on starting the car on this map it idles around 1800 and it's very very smokey for tail pipe

Any ideas I would like it useable just to drive to the rolling road for a full map


Verify that every sensor value makes sense, either fuel pressure or default values for fuel pressure match what you actually have, and the injector data is correct for your installation. If all of that is ok, then tune the fuel map enough to get it idling smoothly. If the idle control needs work then either tune that or leave it for your tuner if someone else is doing it.

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