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Knock Detection

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Hi Guys/Girls

I know this has been asked before, but since the last post I can find is a few months old (and things might have changed since then) I'm looking for advice regarding audible knock detection for use when tuning.

I was going to pick up a Plex V2 but I cant seem to get my hands on them, every time I check the plex site it always says 'available on back order' which has lead me to start looking at other potential options.

I'll be using the equipment to tune a multitude of vehicles so need some versatility.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hi buddy I’ve used the g4 knock block for 2 years now never had an issue with it on some cars mounting close to the head gets quite noisy but a long 4th gear pull usually temp to slow things and give you chance to hone in on any knock

Thanks Dan, I'll have a good look into this option.

Hello ,

I would suggest tuner nerd tool ! Its good one , i impressed with its performance .

Good Luck

I have a like new phormula knock analyzer pro cost me about £300 if any interest

I've recently had the opportunity to test the Tuner Nerd knock monitor and was impressed. It's also quite comprehensive, particularly given the price point.

Thanks guys!

Andre, if you had to choose between the Link G4+ Knockblock and the Tuner Nerd, which avenue would you take?

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