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Link g4x injector size table missing?

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Hi guys, I've spent the last three days trying to work out this software, I've purchased the courses watched multiple times, I just can't seem to understand it. In no place have I found a step by step guide I can understand.

After watching a few how toos and the courses here, my software doesn't have the spots to put the info in, I search fuel main but there is no where to set fuel pressure or injector sizing I can't get it to run, after buying a faulty apexc power FC then spending the money on a link and still not being able to get it running. I'm about as deflated as someone gets. I'm fairly knowledgeable mechanically but the software stuff has just got me pulling my hair out and unfortunately where I live I don't have access to someone that can just come around and as I'll be using a remote tuner from New Zealand, I need to get the car running and checked over before I can do it.

If anyone could take the time, I'd appreciate it greatly

If you are using PC Link G4X software - use View->ECU Settings (or click the flyout tab on the left side of the screen) to display the ECU settings window. Look under Fuel->Fuel Setup->Injector Setup. Double-click the Injector Setup parameter below this "folder", and you should see the Injector Setup window in the main area. This is for the traditional fueling, where you don't specify the Injector flow, only the pulse width desired in the fuel tables. The Fuel->Fuel Main Master Fuel value to used to tune the range for the flow rate of your injectors. If you are using modeled fuel, then there is a parameter for Injector Flow @ Rated Pressure.

You might find the help for "Fuel Injection Mode" useful as it explains how the Traditional (pulse width) and Modeled (VE model) fueling is done.

So you probably want to change Fuel->Fuel Main Fuel Equation Mode to Modeled for most of the content in the courses.

You may find the Link G4X support forum useful. They do a great job of helping folks get their cars running and tuned. Super responsive.



Under Fuel -> Fuel Setup -> Fuel main, what fuel equation mode are you using?

If you select traditional then you don't set an injector flow rate.

I suggest using the appropriate Modeled option, which will expose injector flow rate.

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