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MG1CP007 - Optimum Engine Torque

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Hi Guys,

Embarking on a bit of tuning with the Bosch MG1CP007 and I have a few questions about how Optimum Engine Torque tables work in this ECU,

There is one 14 X 16 table under torque request (image attached)

There are also quite a few 8 x 8 tables in the torque monitoring section all identical (image attached)

I understand the axis and that the Z axis is a percentage, but what I don't fully understand is their relationship with other tables and how they should be adjusted for stage tunes. (I'm assuming a DTC is not adjusted correctly along with Torque request tables).

Thank you

Attached Files

So from what I can gather is there is an inverse relationship with Torque Request tables and Torque Monitoring Tables (Optimum Torque).

Any pointers?

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