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Misfire issue

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Hello I am having a bad misfire that has me scratching my head. I have an integra with a built b18c1 that is turboed on an aem infinity ecu. Using a t1 cam trigger and k series coils. Car is my daily and ran good for months on the setup, one day driving home it starts misfiring abruptly. .swapping ignition coils around I found one was causing a sporadic misfire. After replacing it, the car still misfires but misfires less. It sounds like the engine is hiccuping a lot at idle too on top of misfire during acceleration, weird thing is it feels fine in higher rpm, at least i cant feel it misfire when it revs past 4k.

Things I did to try and resolve my issue:

Checked fuel pressure, constant, never drops. On every misfire it seems to go rich

idx injectors(all sounding off consistently), fuel filter, fuel pump is new(couple months old)

compression 160-180across all cylinders/ set valve lash to spec

verified mechanical timing, and ignition timing with a light

verified all ground points to engine are there, voltage drop tested each/ resistance check,

swapped spark plugs. BKR8EIX .26 gap. and the rest of the ignition coils. the ignition coils i have are aftermarket, not oem. resistance on each match each other at 20megaohms

on ignition coil circuit, it has 3 wires, 12v, ground, and signal from ecu. I verified 12v at every coil, checked resistance on ground for each and resistance to wires going to ecu. Cam sensor to gear air gap is correct.

verified dwell settings and went as far as creating a new calibration from scratch. Misfire remained

I feel like I have to swap parts and get lucky at this point, if someone has a direction I can take Id appreciate it, below I attached a log for a short drive with misfires.

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BFJ-oux9xfc me testing my spark

Attached Files

sounds to me like an upstream o2 sensor check your short term fuel trim.

also test your mass sensor

Hello, I currently disabled any feedback loops including lambda. The o2 has a consistent reading until the engine has its misfires it goes rich (im assuming due to unburnt fuel).

My map sensor also has a consistent reading.

Uh, you may be mis-understanding something.

A simple misfire would be showing as lean - excess oxygen in the exhaust - because it isn't used to oxidise the fuel.

If it's definitely showing as rich, it's most likely a problem with (an) injector(s) sticking open, leaking, or a faulty pressure regulator - but you seem to have eliminated that.

Try putting a fresh set of sparkplugs in and hold it where it's mis-firing, then cut the ignition, and check the condition of the spark plugs. If it looks wet, possibly shiny black, it indicates un-burned fuel on it.

Also I would do a quick check and make sure you do not have a minor vacuum leak

Yes I misunderstood the afr to my misfires. It actually does have lean spikes when it does misfire.

I put in a fresh set of plugs and it seemed to calm the misfires more. The car can idle without misfiring now but still misfires under a load. If I granny drive it, it doesnt misfire, but if i want to put load on the car, as it goes to around 2inhg vacuum it starts to misfire like crazy. almost sounds like a subaru lol

Checking the plugs after the drive with misfires I didnt notice anything on the spark plug i could make a determination of.

https://youtube.com/shorts/XRdXNDblCZU Here is a link of me driving the car under load, and of how the spark plugs look after the drive with misfires.

I did a check of my vacuum lines/ ports. They all look good and using brake clean I verified no leaks.

Can't pick up anything from the video, and the picture isn't clear - but it looks like there may be a touch of a darker colour on the insutator tip? That might point to an ignition mis-fire as the fuel that was unburned on one cycle will cause the next to be richer. If it is, it may also look a little shinier than the others.

If there isn't a 'plug that looks a little darker, might be a true lean mis-fire - are you using aftermarket injectors that may need to be correctly set up for the much shorter opening period? Not something I can help with, but if the injector opening and closing transients aren't properly applied, one, or more, may be marginal in their actual opening times under such light fuelling demands.

If the turbo joints are not tight enough it could leak which could cause the same issue i would put a scanner and check long term and short term while you get on it just to be sure your not getting a leak while your on load even your intake, and throttle gasket or after maf sensor.

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