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Plex tuning knock sensor install on Evo 6

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Hi guys!

Bought my self a Plex tuning v2 knock sensor box and I am trying to install it on my Evo 6 so I can learn how to use it properly before I start using it on customer cars! All the available threaded holes in the fron and back of the engine block are m10 not m8 as required! Only place I find is on the cylinder head little higher than exhaust manifold!

Any suggestions? Is it possible to drill the sensor to m10?


Omar Crespo

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Toyota sell a bolt that goes M10 down to m8 for knock sensors.

9012608039 is the part number from toyota Australia, ask toyota for that, or you may need to cross it over using toyodiy etc.

my only concern is i cant tell you what pitch the m10 is, it appeared coarse but not sure.


Do you have a picture of it? Let me explain my self again... my knock sensor only allows an m8 bolt... and m10 bolt won't fit... BuT the engine block only has m10 holes with threads...

its a stud, screws into block m10 and a m8 nut is used to retain the knock sensor.

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A Stud!!! Yes great idea I'll have it made as here in Costa Rica will be hard to get! Thanks man!

This might sound silly, but the part number in the photo doesn't match what's listed above - the one above is 9012608039, but the photo has 90125A0000 on the package.

American vs Australian part numbering

Drill out the knock sensor also a option

I have heard some people using magnets to attached them, not sure how good this would though.

Any Thoughts

we do that in industry when measuring rotating equipment to detect fault frequencies, magnetic is ok you loose a fair amount of the high frequency band and also loose some energy of the signal you can see.

me personally even with a rare earth magnet i wouldn't trust it, especially if you confirm your tune on the street.

not to mention it wont work on an alloy block.

but yes it could be done

Cheers for that Josh!

Turns out this is a very common part on Toyotas - the 4 cylinder Camry from 2002 to 2011 used these to mount their knock sensors. The part was quite cheap too - was something like $7AUD.

If you have a lathe or a friend with a lathe , you could fabricate something like this , its for attach a bosch knock sensor to the

same place the OEM Toyota attaches the knock sensor. the bolt part in this case is M12x1.25 and the threaded hole is M8.

In you case the bolt side have to be M10 and the hole side M8 for the sensor.

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I've drilled knock sensors out to 10mm multiple times with no apparent ill effect on their performance.

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