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I'm about to buy a proper timing light to set and check base timing etc. Are there any recommendations? Especially an option for coil on plug systems would bei much appreciated.
I tried to set base timing on my V8 EJ207 Subaru engine with Link G4+ using a low budget timing light and wired in a cable from the coil to the plug, but it seemed no matter what values I tried to adjust in the Link software the timing light wouldn't change at all...
Thanks in advance.
Hello this is the timing light I have used for 15 plus years it is as cheap as they come and I would have tuned over 2000+ link ecus with them with no issue
you can normally clip straight over the wiring going to the coil or another way is to hold the inductive clip open and hold it on the top of the coil as if you were trying to clip it onto the coil, either way, works most of the time.
Hi Ross,
Thank you very much!
It's a little unclear - is the problem that you can't get the timing light to operate, or that the timing doesn't seem to change when using the light, regardless of the values you're changing? If the latter, it would suggest there is an error in the procedure you're using.
Got the same one as Ross. Nowhere near the use but, even partially melted after sitting in the car on a hot Gisborne day, it's still working perfectly after close to 30 years. TBH, I'm rather surprised it's still being made.
However, as you're in Germany, I don't know what to suggest in your market.
Hi Gord,
Thank you for the information. My timing light is operating, but when I lock the ignition angle and change the of offset value in the software the angle shown by the timing light does not change.
The Optilux Hella timing light is available in Germany, so this recommendation seems to be a good option.
are you pressing enter after putting new values in the offset box?
Yes I did.
That is odd as the timing light only fires when the coil fires unless it has a dial for adjusting the delay. If it's not moving it'd suggest that the ignition offset isn't moving.
I've a few timing lights (they're getting hard to get so want to make sure if one breaks I have a spare, or two) the Gunson and Draper ones on Amazon are good, I've the cheap ones and the more expensive one with the ignition advance. I've also just bought an Innova one which has RPM, ignition advance etc and is a sturdy piece of kit
If your timing is not moving when you are adjusting the trigger offset then I think it is unlikely a timing light issue.
As Chris mentioned above, be sure you are hitting the enter key if you are manually typing in a new offset number - it isn't applied until you hit enter. The text should turn blue to show it has been changed if you have done it correctly. You can also bump it up/down using Q & A keys or page up/Page down.
Thanks guys, I will have a look at this again. I did press enter, but it didn't turn blue for whatever reason, i will figure this out, thanks!
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