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Setting up BRZ's throttle using ECUmaster

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I am using ECUmaster pro8 ECU to run my 2013 BRZ, I have problem to control the stock throttle body.

Right now the throttle position and peddle position sensor is working correctly, but the throttle won't move.

I am having trouble understanding these two settings in the software, please help.

1.Rate max

2.spring force duty cycle

Can you tell me how to set these two and what they mean? Thanks.


The Rate, is the change in throttle postion allowed (expressed in terms of percent per second). So if you wanted to allow you throttle to go from 0 - 100% in 0.2 second, you would use a value of 500%/s. Your current setting of 800%/sec would allow the throttle to open / close in 1/8th of a second or 0.125s.

When the throttle is not powered, it should default to a "limp position". There are two springs that cause this, and it seems like you should define this using the table. You will probably fill this in after you have the throttle working and following the target. What duty cycle results holding the throttle at it's minimum? What duty cycle is required to hold the throttle near it maximum (say 99%)? Enter those values into the ends of that Spring Force Duty Cycle Base table. With the motor disconnected, what is the TPS voltage -- enter that, and see how it works when targeting positions near the limp position (is there a minimum duty cycle to move in one direction or the other -- put those values above the -1% and 1% in the table.

Hope that helps.

Hi David, thanks for the super clear explanation, problem solved!

Glad to help.

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