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Subaru STI Motec M150 starting problems

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I installed a Motec M150 on my EDM Subaru WRX STI 2008 with JRR PNP Kit. https://johnreedracing.com/collections/subaru-sti/products/subaru-sti-m150-pnp-kit

With stock ECU car starts and works fine, no CEL but when M150 is installed it requieres at least 5 cranking tries to start car then car works fine with no errors.

We already tuned the car, and while engine is on no errors appear.

If i disconnect the Intake Camshaft sensor 1, car starts fine but when i connect sensor car stalls and again. I replaced ALL 4 camshaft sensors with new original ones but without success.

I checked timming, logs, we've done many tests, and i can find the problem.


I've upload map and logs.




John Reed created that custom firmware so he's really the one to help with something specific to triggering, which is pre set and not adjustable in that package. He would also be best to confirm your wiring matches his expected locations for his plug and play system.

For example your inlet bank 1 and 2 cam position sensors inputs are set the opposite of what I've seen on another car in that year range with this kit, but maybe the kit has changed.

Hi Mike,

I’ll try to contact again with John Reed, if they can solve the problem.


Can you do an Input capture of the engine when it isn;t starting and see if the inlet cam signals swap from high to low. The Hall sensors used with report a fault by inverting their signal on cranking.

Hi Stephen, it seems that engine wants to start and it shuts off, if i try with pedal to the floor sensors seem to read good. thanks

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I cannot open your M1 Package as our virus checking software thinks that it is corrupted with malware.

Are your exhaust cams set to Rising or Falling edges? They should be on Rising.

If you look at the exhaust pin 2V capture, you will see that the exhaust cams swap polarity when the engine starts to run, this changes the position of the Falling edges, but the Rising edge stays in the same location.

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