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VDO speedometer not reading signal

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Ive bought a vdo programmable speedometer and I can't get it to read either an induction signal or a 2 wire hall effect. Ive tried running the hall effect though a gm relay 09.185.826 as someone has said thats what I need but still no luck. Anyone had any issues like this before? The person ive spoke to thats got it working through the relay has 2 inputs into his speedo pins 7 & 8 but there's only 1 output from the relay so I'm lost.

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What engine and what ignition system setup?

Engine is an m52tu but its in my tube chassis pickup. Its running BMW suspension all round. Its running the standard ignition. I believe originally the abs sensors are fed into the abs unit which turns it into a canbus signal for the dash.

Many BMW ABS sensors are active sensors, you will need some external conditioning to make it compatible with your speedo. [url=https://www.motec.com.au/filedownload.php/CTN0007%20Magneto%20Resistive%20Sensors.pdf?docid=3634]https://www.motec.com.au/filedownload.php/CTN0007%20Magneto%20Resistive%20Sensors.pdf?docid=3634

sorry, this forum software has messed up the web address. Search Motec site for ctn0007.

I was told that the gm relay was a wave conditioner and would turn it to a pulse signal but it didnt seem to work do they have to be wired the right way round?

I was told that the gm relay was a wave conditioner and would turn it to a pulse signal but it didnt seem to work do they have to be wired the right way round?

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