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ve table require more fuel at idle

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i wanted to ask if the attached fuel map look normal or if there is a vacuum leak.

and the other thing when i disable the deceleration fuel cut, the car maintains rpm like if there was a cruise control not sure if that is because of the turbo and manifold design or vacuum leak

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I think the reason it looks that way is because you can't tune the low RPM, high map area of the table. I've never seen an engine that as the MAP increases it needs less fuel. It may need the same fuel, but never less.

I don't think there is a vacuum leak if you can register low MAP values.

If you don't want the RPM to hang, you will need to lower the torque at that point -- choices are throttle (air), fuel or timing.

i tried lowering timing in 0-20 kpa area but the map doesnt drop below 40kpa on deceleration, i think the throttle might be the issue as i noticed a weird spot in 2000 rpm area i think it might be related to idle control in ecumaster ecu

ecumaster customer service told me my deceleration issue is cause by idle rpm ref table, hopefully this would solve the issue

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