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Vipec i88 + Motec PDM engine fan.

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I have a Vipec i88 and engine fans running off Motec Pdm.

I have the engine fan configured so it operates off the Motec keypad but I cant get the Vipec to kick off the fans.

Output on the Vipec has 12+ I tried to couple that with the input switch from the Motec with no luck.

Pdm's switches close/open to 0V.. should it still work even if the signal is fed from another device ?

I'd love to use CAN bus but I am just getting my feet wet with that.

3rd option is to feed the ECT signal off the Vipec and use the hysteresis feature of the PDM ..



Yes, a digital output from a Vipec should be able to trigger an input channel of the MoTeC PDM. How have you got your pullups configured?

I'd recommend committing and delving into doing it over CANBus though, its some cool shit, and will open up worlds and world of possibilities without having to run any extra wires. The Links/Vipecs have some of the most configurable CANBus communications out there too, so you should have all the gear you need already in place.

Note a normal Auxilary output from the i88 will be 12V when the fan is off and ground when the fan is on. This should be compatible directly with the PDM input. Also if you wanted to give CAN a go, attach your .pclr and PDM config and I will set up the fan in both ends, you will then have an example you can use for future stuff.

This sounds awesome !!!!

Here are both maps

For some reason I couldnt upload the pdm file with .pdm in the name.

Just rename 25db.v2.pclr to .pdm.



Attached Files

Ok, Sorry for the slow reply. Attached is an example how to send a fan request from the Link ECU to the PDM.

First I will explain the ECU set up:

In the ECU settings you will see I have moved your Engine Fan 1 function from Aux 8 to Virtual Aux 1, this is just so that function is no longer tying up a physical output pin but you will still have the fan logic controlled by the ECU (temp setting etc). You will still set your fan on/off temperature in the normal place in PC Link. If you go to the CAN settings, you will see I have set up a transmit stream on CAN2. The ID is 336 (Link use decimal numbers, Motec uses Hex, 336dec = 150hex). You will then see I have added the parameter "Engine Fan 1 Status" to this stream in Byte 0, and I have set it to 8 bits wide (we actually only need 1 bit for a simple on/off parameter, but I kept it 8 bit to make the Motec end easier). Engine fan status will be sent over CAN as a 0 = off, 1 = on.

Now the PDM side:

In Global setup>CAN inputs I have set up message 0 with the matching ID 150hex. In CAN Inputs, I have created a new channel named "ECU Fan Request", 8bit size, offset = Byte 0, to match the Link set up. I have then added an "or" control to your existing Fan output setup so that it will turn on whenever the ECU Fan Request channel = 1.

Attached Files


Going to play around with that.


I uploaded both maps and its not working.

I do see the request on Link for the fan coming on and off.

Now .. I have a can-dash cable connected to my can bus. (6 pin connector)

The ecu has the terminating resistor so I dont have any on the bus since the pdm has one.

The keypad wont light up if there is no terminating resistor so I think my bus is correctly wired.

When I go to Can setup -> CAN Devices and I scan both Modules nothing is showing up. Is that normal ?

Also whats the difference between CAN module 1 and module 2 ?



OK. I figured it out.

Played around with CAN modules and switched it to Module 1 and the fan now works !!!

Thanks for your help.


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