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Volkswagen 2.0T TSI (CAWA CAWB CBFA CCTA) SGDI-TSI PnP DI Pressure high overheating

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Volkswagen 2.0T TSI SGDI-TSI PnP DI Pressure high HPFP overheating

Hey im running the SGDI-TSI on a Passat CC 2.0 CAWBI am having trouble with the DI pump using the basemap sent by syvecs I get a very lumpy start up with DI pressure max when driven at 0%and if running in that state for around 5 mins the DI pump overheats resulting in alot of smoke and plastic burning smell and the connector no longer attached to the DI pump see picture attached

I have contacted syvecs and had the ECU sent back and tested came back with a pass from QAboth fuel pumps worked great on the original VW ECU but will not run when syvecs is plugged inIm wondering if anyone else has had this issue with the TSI plug and play kit, or can point me in the right direction my hunch is there is a mistake in the basemap for the DI calibration.Im pretty stuck at this point with no one able to help me so now reaching out on forums I have added a copy of the basemap to this post for anyone looking to cross reference their calibration with mine hopefully noticing a difference we can compare and test(forgot to pull the logs down before we sent the ECU back to syvecs so no log data, happy to risk another DI pump for the community so when I get it back I will start it and upload the log if that helps)any help would be greatly appreciated as im really stuck now and would ultimately like to save someone a fuel pump or 2 if they are about to plug this kit in to their car soon. if we can find the fault and report it back to to syvecs it will save alot of people a big headacheThanks in advanceHash


Attached Files

Your picture shows a common Hitachi normally open HPFP, but the map you have is set up for a normally closed pump type. Setting "Inverted Valve Sense" in Syvecs. I dont think it is as simple as just changing the valve type though, I dont know if the 2 variations use the same lobe profile and I dont know the Syvecs GDI strategy well enough to know how they specify hold angle and the electric characteristics of the solenoid.

The normally closed pump looks like this:

The normally open pump looks like this:

never used on ea888

TLDR: fit 06J145100AD and 06J127025L on CAWA and CAWB engine codes to get the syvecs S8 plug and play kit TSI to start engine without causing the overheating of the open fuel pump that comes with CAWA and CAWB engine codes

CAWA CAWB Came with a different Fuel pump to CCTA CCZA CCZB

open pump looks like this used in the CAWA and CAWB engines pump part number: 06H127025N


OkG5MyW.png (116.56 KiB) Not viewed yet

closed pump looks like this used in the CCTA CCZA CCZB engines pump part number: 06J127025L:


GbIkseJ.png (156.17 KiB) Not viewed yet

running the basemap that comes with the plug and play kit on the CAWA CAWB engine codes with the Open Pump will cause the fuel pump to overheat and if left for long enough cause a fire

To fix this issue and allow me to start the car I replaced the fuel pump and the vacuum pump in order to get the syvecs base map to work

CCZA / CCZB Vacuum Pump Part number 06J145100AD

CCZA CCZB fuel pump part number: 06J127025L

the difference between the vacuum pumps used in CAWB and CCZB is the mounting area for the High pressure fuel pump on the CCZB vacuum pump the mounting screws are further apart which required to fit 06J127025L. This solved the problem with the non starting now getting a 'fp trip' which im working through

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