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Choosing Standalone system

Introduction to Engine Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Introduction to Engine Tuning

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Hello all,

I am building a high power audi I5 turbo car and looking to also rewire the body harness (car is 30 years old and wiring is degrading).

I am frankly struggling a bit with going down a path of which system to use.

Currently thinking about

1. MaxxECU

pros: low cost, lots of Audi guys use this, seemingly good integration between ECU and PDU unit

cons: their PDU doesnt have enough outputs to run entire set of features I want, no local tuner with familiarity with the unit, but can easily get a base map

2. Syvecs

pros: local tuner, PDU unit can accomodate running entire car

cons: documentation and forums arent anywhere as good as Maxx, local tuner doesnt have PDU expertise so will likely need to do/learn this myself. Unclear ability for sharing of Can and analog inputs between their ECM and PDU

3. Motec

Pros: lots of people know how to use them

Cons: 2x more than Syvecs, not as user friendly interfaces as Maxx is

I think it comes down to

1. Run Maxx and be comfortable also having to utilize a traditional fuse/relay box to power some body related electronics (or)

2. Run Syvecs and get confidence I can workout how to setup the PDU/Can protocols etc

Anyone here have thoughts - and most especially anyone here running Syvecs ECM/PDU combo that can opine on level of integration their two units have automatically?

Have you considered Link ecu?

They dont make a PDU do they? That would make problem harder (no native input sharing / no automatic canbus communication between units?)

There's plenty of support for most common pmu's, and the support on the link forums is amazing.

browse the Link forums and I'm sure you will see what i mean. ultimately it will come down to who's tuning your car if you ask me and what they're familiar with.

I mainly do Link ecu's so i might be biased but the tech support from not only Link but dealers is next to none.

If you want to browse some of the cost's of the units.https://www.ae-race.com

Ya I’ll be doing the body electronics and most of the tuning with help from a syvecs guy hence the thinking

1. Maxx cheaper / easier / but needs separate relays for all the functions / good Audi group

2. syvecs more expensive / less forum activity / cleaner install / local help from a tuner with Audi experience

not sure link advances the plot here other than a grand of savings on the unit which grand scheme of things isn’t much

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