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Octane and fuel

Introduction to Engine Tuning

Relevant Module: Tuning Basics > Octane and fuel

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Discussion and questions related to the course Introduction to Engine Tuning

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What do you mean by pump fuel in the Octane and fuel video?

"Pump fuel" refers to fuel that is commercially available at roadside petrol pumps/fuel stations, and this can vary in different countries*.

This is different from specialist fuels that can only be purchased from specialist suppliers, and is usually purchased in 55 US gallon/209 litre drums. These are usually higher octane and/or alcohol racing blends, and some aren't legal for use on public roads and/or cannot be used with lambda sensors or catalytic converters, because they contain lead.

*Something to be aware of is that the fuel "octane" rating is different between the US and most other countries, so you CANNOT directly compare them. The us use an average of RON and MON, (RON+MON)/2 which is refered to as PON (Pump Octane Rating), but most countries, including NZ use RON - I don't know what your country uses

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