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Ecumaster Emu Black - Anti Lag , improving Turbo Response

Launch Control

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Hello Guys,

since my Car gets better and better, i am trying to imrove responce and anything else, before going for more boost and power. I am using the emu black, and she got the nice "ALS" section (attached a file below). Since the ignition cut seems harsh on the engine, i would use the fuel cut option (since i am also running hydraulic lifters) . My aproach in tuning the ALS would be the following:

At first i would change the ingition correction, to have the real timing at about 5 degrees all over the place, then using like 40 on the "fuel corr" cells, and start with 100% fuel cut and slowly lowering the percentage of the fuel cut value.

I really dont wanna kill the engine, but i wanna get the most out of it in terms of response. I dont mind loosing a turbo a year btw..

For the overrun section (no anti Lag, just overrun) i would simply use the overrun fuel cut decay rate and reduce it 5% or less, and use 5 Degrees or -5 (testing?) in the highlited area in the ignition section. With these setting the turbo should keep spooling a little longer.

What do you think? Still a Beginner here!

Thanks in advance guys!

Attached Files

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