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Aem x30-0300

Link G4 Plus Software Tutorial

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Hey guys. Am i able to connect aem uego x30-0300 through CAN? As i understand connecting it through an volt typically gives you a not so accurate reading.

I am on a link g4 storm wire-in.

Hi Yaun,

Yes you can, are you using a Link G4 or G4+ The G4+ can do it no worries, although I don't believe all of the G4 models have CAN enabled.

It is better and more accurate to have it done via CAN than in an analogue input.

I am using link G4 storm wire-in

What is the serial number off the ecu?

If it is over 10000 then it is CAN compatible, however it might only be able to transmit and not receive. You need to check under the CAN setup if it can receive.

serial number on the ecu is 6214.

guess i cant do anything with it yeah?

The old G4 ECU's didnot have CAN receive capability at all, only transmit for dashboard etc. Lambda has to be connected via analog input.

Thanks guys for all your reply!

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