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Engine startup

Link G4 Plus Software Tutorial

Relevant Module: Certificate > Certificate > Request Certificate

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Is there training for doing engine startups from configurations and timing, using aftermarket trigger setup and configs using timing light and setting triggers and dialing numbers for startups

I generally disable fuel injectors, crank the engine while using the oscilloscope function on newer Link ECUs, or using an actual oscilloscope if working with an older ECU.

If the trigger patterns look correct, then I move on to locking the timing in the triggers section -> calibrate -> set base timing window. Set the "lock ignition timing to:" value to 0 degrees or a value you can easily reference. Timing marks are often on a timing cover, sometimes you'll have a few crank angles labelled, with 0 degrees being the most common.

Make sure the TDC cylinder 1 mark on your crank pulley or flywheel is easy to see. Touch the mark up with a white paint marker or similar if needed.

Use a non adjustable timing light hooked to cylinder 1, crank the engine, see if the the timing mark on the pulley lines up with the timing value you set, then adjust the offset value in the Link software until they do match up.

Then after I've got the engine running decent I recheck timing at idle and 3/4 of max RPM, and adjust the delay value.

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