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Idling issues

Link G4 Plus Software Tutorial

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Hi Everyone. I had a running tune and I upgraded to Ethrottle, that worked fine. Then I changed the injectors and now I can’t get it to idle after changing the injector settings and also the idle control to Ethrottle.

totally lost and don’t want to make any more changes before understanding what the issue is. I’m getting a rapid increase in rpm upon starting rather than an idle with requires immediate shutoff.

Sounds possibly more like an air leak assuming the TP is showing a similar idle position compared to pre injector change.

As Adam suggests - I'd start with a basic double check there weren't any hoses or fittings missed, damaged or dislodged that would be allowing air in - it's especially easy to overlook those underneath or behind the plenum.

Then i'd use some engine start/ether/brakeclean spray around the injectors - they may not be a perfectly dimensioned replacement part, incorrectly seated, or the "O"-rings may be damaged, and if there's an air leak the spray will be drawn in and flair the rpms.

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