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Impreza V1 maf delete IAT problem

Link G4 Plus Software Tutorial

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can anyone help I have a v1 impreza which uses a maf for load ive changed to map sensor for load and no longer need the maf problem is I think the IAT is built into the maf sensor I want to delete the unit, I bought a link IAT sensor and am trying to configure it to AN temp 2 in the ecu pin and settings problem is am getting all kinds of funny readings and generally not working also a bit confused with the cal tables there is a pre set option for the link IAT sensor but still does not seem to work (an temp 2) is pin 76 which is pre set off in the ecu I turned an temp 2 to iat and chose link pre set but the pre set is in volts and should be ohms? I cant see any option to change that pre set value any help would be great

The simplest option when removing the MAF is to simply use the IAT and sensor ground pins in the MAF plug and terminate these to your new sensor. This means the IAT stays on the same input as the default map and you just need to change the calibration if applicable. It sounds to me from your explanation like you may have the sensor wired to the wrong pin?

If you need to set up a custom calibration for a specific sensor, choose one of the Cal Tables and this will allow you to enter resistance vs temp.

Note ANTemp 2 is on the expansion connector. Pin 76 is actually ANVolt 2. To use AN Volt 2 for a temp sensor you will need to wire in an external pull up resistor to 5V so I would avoid that option - it is much easier to get an expansion harness and use a proper temp input.

yes sorry an volt 2 is pin 76 thats a maf pin, using the maf wires to plumb in the link iat gives me no option to change from volts to ohms. there is 4 wires in the maf wiring I assume +12 volt, gnd, and signal and 1 other gnd return? 3 are together in a sleeve the 4th is on its own....

also i bought the expansion harness when i set an temp 2 to the iat sensor and choose pre set link iat option its in volts and not ohms there fore its fault coding high and low volt faults i cant change it to ohms from volts in any option areas I can see or access

link handbook has limited pin info is there any full pin data info around? for example, I want to wire in extra sensors fuel pressure oil temp and oil pressure

"yes sorry an volt 2 is pin 76 thats a maf pin, using the maf wires to plumb in the link iat gives me no option to change from volts to ohms. there is 4 wires in the maf wiring I assume +12 volt, gnd, and signal and 1 other gnd return? 3 are together in a sleeve the 4th is on its own...."

If you want to use a AN Volt input for a temp sensor you will need to add a 1K pull-up to 5V, so it is the most difficult option. As said earlier, you are better to use the AN Temp input on the Exp connector.

"also i bought the expansion harness when i set an temp 2 to the iat sensor and choose pre set link iat option its in volts and not ohms there fore its fault coding high and low volt faults i cant change it to ohms from volts in any option areas I can see or access"

Assuming you are using the Link 1/8IAT sensor, your set up for AN Temp 2 should look exactly like below, there should be no need to use a cal table or change units or anything?

"link handbook has limited pin info is there any full pin data info around? for example, I want to wire in extra sensors fuel pressure oil temp and oil pressure"

All inputs and outputs are shown on the pinout in the printed manual and also in PC Link help file.

Oil temp can go to AN Temp 3 on the Exp connector, fuel & oil press can go to AN Volt 5 & 6 on the same connector.

thanks adam, thats strange i was trying what you are saying,, today i did the same and it worked 1st time strange, i will do that thanks for yor help thats the IAT working fine now

thats great got them working now, can i set the ecu to cut revs if the oil pressure or fuel pressure drops?

if so how would i go about doing that

Hi guys

I'm glad you got your iat sensor working. My question is much the same. I have a wrx6+ ecu going in my impreza tomorrow. Is the easiest way to wire in my iat sensor, just to use the original maf wiring and change the input on the ecu to the iat instead of the maf?

Sorry I am new so I don't mind a very detailed explanation lol

Cheers Billy

the easiest way is to buy and expansion loom around $50 that gives extra options for sensors and outputs then you just have to go into ecu settings analog inputs and choose your functions

i did try to use the original wiring in the maf plug for a start but had no success

Note you can use the MAF signal wire for the temp sensor input but you will need to add an external 1Kohm pull up resistor to 5V. By the time you have done that it is much easier as Andrew says to do it with the expansion harness.

Adam what do you think about my 2nd last post? above can it be done?


Cheers guys I've bought the expansion loom and looks easy enough. Much appreciated

Adam what do you think about my 2nd last post? above can it be done?

Sorry Andrew, I missed that question earlier. For oil pressure there is a reasonable setup example in the help file, I will paste a copy below. Once you understand that you should be ok to do Fuel press. F Press is more simple as it shouldnt vary with RPM so much. Note you should use "differential fuel pressure".

I have decided to fit a 6 cylinder engine into my car am using the link g4 plus, is it easy to do i suppose there will be no injector ind ignition outputs from the ecu pins for 5 and 6 again expansion slots needed here?

I have decided to fit a 6 cylinder engine into my car am using the link g4 plus, is it easy to do i suppose there will be no injector ind ignition outputs from the ecu pins for 5 and 6 again expansion slots needed here?

Inj 5 & 6 are already on the main header (used for fans originally). Ign 5 & 6 isnt available on that ecu so you will have to stick with wasted spark. If the new engine has AVCS it will be a bit of a struggle as that ecu is pretty limited with spare IO.

Its has individual coil packs i suppose i will need to change to a coil now x2 1 per bank?

No need to change coils, just wire in pairs.

1,6 2,53,4 thats idea? Or am i way off

I dont think you have even mentioned what engine you are considering so Im going to assume an EZ30? with firing order 163254. So Cyl 1 & 2 wired to ign 1.

Cyl 6 & 5 wired to ign 2. Cyl 3 & 4 wired to ign 3.

EG33 mate

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