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Tell us a little about you. What cars you are interested, where you are from and why you are interested in learning to tune.
yes we are an auto repair facility in maryville tn. we are wanting to get into the tuning world and learn the correct paths to be successful and number one a facility where customers know we know what we are doing and have there passion at hear. we have officially become a fi-tech dealer along as an installer. my question is are you guys familiar with this aftermarket tuning company
hello sorry i am not familiar with this system but im sure it will be a nice system to use, where can we get the software i do not see it on their website
i am working on that now. they are based out of California. i believe there platforms are similar to some of your modules you show. the other one out here in the states is big stuff. i would try to contact customer support to see how we get there platform
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