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Greetings from Jamie

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Hey everyone! My name is Jamie. I work in a performance shop based out of Buffalo NY. The owners are planning on acquiring a dyno, and I would like to be able to utilize it to its fullest potential. I have some experience in the past from tuning my personal race car on Romraider / Ecuflash and friends Subarus. However nowhere near the knowledge to properly tune all makes and models. I'm hoping throughout this course and with the people on this forum will help me reach that goal. I personally drive a 2020 STI that has a Stage 2.5 Closed deck IAG block, rotated turbo, the whole nine yards. I have converted it to RWD and compete in local drift events. I feel like I'm at the limit of my stock ECU so i hope these courses will help me switch to standalone a lot easier. But I'm excited to interact with you all and learn about what I love.

Welcome! I'm the guy that formerly ran the big Subaru shop in Buffalo, NY from 2004-2016 before moving to Texas. :)

There's a ton of good info at HPA to get you started. Then my suggestion is always to try new things on your car first, so you never make a customer your guinea pig, and don't take on a job if you're not confident you can do a great job for the customer. There are plenty of customers just looking to mildly mod their car, so you can do a lot without taking on wilder jobs, while you increase your knowledge and experience.

The stock ECU is far more complex than most standalones, so those relatively new to tuning will generally find a standalone easier to accomplish their goals. You'll likely end up needing knowledge of both to suit various customers, so getting a standalone for your car and doing a bit of both on it will really help you figure things out.

Best of luck and welcome to HPA!

Yes I actually remember when your shop was around and the best place in a 200 mile radius for Subaru tuning. However since you left there hasn’t been any trustworthy shops besides TPG tuning out of PA. But I’d imagine you know spooling up performance. Relatively new shop founded by some guys I’m pretty sure you know. That’s the shop that I’m working at and will hopefully utilize the knowledge I gain from here. But it’s very comforting and nice to hear that you’re company is still running strong and that you’re still helping out noobies like me lol.

Thanks! It would be great to see another shop grow in Buffalo. I don't know if I've ever met anyone at Spooling Up, but I'm not sure who all the employees are so it's certainly possible. What year did the shop start?

In terms of Buffalo dynos I think there are a bunch around, but it doesn't necessarily mean the area can't support another, especially with a full service shop to feed it work. These are the ones I'm aware of:

I know Alex Bable semi recently got an AWD Mainline Prohub dyno

I think Jason Zajac (J&J) still has a dyno...I believe AWD Mustang.

I don't know what happened to Spina's old Dynojet

Unsure if Kennedys still has their AWD dynojet

Unsure if KS Auto still has their Dynojet

I forget the name of the Mustang shop in Tonawanda that had a Dynojet

Donovan still has his Dynocom 2wd roller dyno

You might know better already how many are around.

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