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Hello From Italy! Thanks for having me.

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I'm Stefan, I'm from Romania, but I live in Italy, where I own an automotive repair shop.

I can't say I'm new to the tuning world, but I'm not a tuner, I do ecu reflash, but I'm purchasing the files and I, only do the reading and writing. A part from that, I do coding, proghramming, Immo, keys, etc...

I decided to approach the mysterious art of tuning, because I'm very passionate about performance and motorsport and I'd like to take on my own projects.

Corrently, I own several cars, but the one that stands out, for now is an 1988 BMW 535i E34, that I'd like to turbo, making it my first ever performance project.

I hope I'll be able to find all the help and knowledge I need, here in the academy.

So, thank you very much for havingf me, I look forward to mastering this exciting new skill. Best Regards!

Wonderful. Let's take away the mystery. :)

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