Sale ends todayGet 30% off any course (excluding packages)
Ends in 5 hours, 59 mins and 59 secs
Tell us a little about you. What cars you are interested, where you are from and why you are interested in learning to tune.
I’m taking the tuning courses to get a understanding of the modern motors. I’ve been old school building carbureted motors I’m a passionate car guy who has grown up around old cars my whole life. I’ve really been into the second generation Dodge Charger since the show Duke’s of Hazard aired. I’m now on my fourth Charger. This one is by far my favorite one. It’s a 69’ Charger with modern drivetrain and suspension. It has a 2014 392ci procharged Hemi in it. It has dyno over 700whp.
welcome what a beautiful ob you have done
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