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Hello from the Netherlands. I’m Ruud Visser from RV Engineering.

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Hello to you all out there. I’m Ruud Visser and I run an engineering company and we develop all kinds of things including internal combustion engines and E drive systems.

Have a look @ my Facebook YouTube channel and you get an idea what I’m doing.



Some of my background. @ the age of 10 I had my own moped and that where the exploring of internal combustion engines started and @ the age of 14 I was overhauling my fist diesel engine.

I consider my self lucky that I was given the opportunity to get an educated in botch electrical engineering and studies related to internal combustion processes so I know a thing or two about Otto and diesel stuff and I able to control a load of thing including building my own development ECU or better say VCU systems as we now control a lot more than only the engine these days.

For more than 21 years I have worked for a big company that build temporary power plant both running diesel and gas engines doing all kinds of jobs from technical support engineer in many languages to project manager feeling like a kid in the candy store if it comes to running engines 24 x 7 on full load able to control megawatts of power producing voltage up to 30.000V and supply this to the local power grid. So what did I gain from this? Well it’s like your dyno testing engines all day finding out what works and what dos not and why things are happening for good and bad BUT before you can start on testing things THERE MUST BE A PLAN! What’s this called? Engineering. Do your boring calculation and make risk assessment as it’s not like you can run very big and expensive equipment and come back telling your manager I just has a very big whoops moment. To cut things short done a load of engine development and able to calculate hi voltage applications so a ignition system on a petrol engine of E drive is no problem for me and I able to program a load of thing from PLC systems to engine management and so on so for me even programming a air-condition system was part of the job al do these are boringly slow in operation. Most important thing is understanding PID loops and getting them to work properly and yes I know most tuners and even aftermarket ECU manufactures struggle even to build a decent boost controller depending a lot on a loads of feed forward tables and on a diesel engine this end up with all day tuning for example as air mass and efficiency on these type chance a lot in different running conditions, but hope to post some more on this forum soon about this.

In 2009 I started my own engineering company and even before this time I was building race and rally project and selling aftermarket ECU as well. Also done a load of motor sport from dirt bike racing to race and rally and won many rally events so you get to know what it takes to win and I’m able to use this experience for many projects as well.

The work I do today is a mix of building development ECU system for OEM suppliers and there is a interesting shift for small engines or car engines is that many engine manufactures no longer developing diesel engines any more as the general public was told that’s diesel is BAD! Well we know better! But result is GDI project are more common now and we also start working on E drive and hybrid systems.

Most fun work for me is truck race and rally engines. Big power hi efficiency and loads of torque. Nothing comes close to these. If you think 1000Nm out of a 3L Hilux CR engine is great well we run 1300Nm per 3L and we can do it all day long on rally truck in desert conditions and these engines have a displacement from 9L up to 13L and run all steel internals due to the fact that combustion temperatures are extreme. In short controlling this power is a challenge and many diesel applications we run have more than one running model so you end up with a minimum of 5D tuning and some going over to 20D tuning.

For example a race truck application has 28 2D maps 43 3D maps and only 5 PID loops. Focus here is on traction as these engines make over 1000Hp below 1500Rpm and over 6000Nm of torque @ 1300Rpm.

A rally application has 51 2D table and 38 3D table and 6 PID loops including course control.

Focus here is to run the engine on the max in condition from over 50 degree centigrade still making 1130Hp out of 12,7L engine displacement running up to a altitude of 4700 meters above sea level ending up with a bout 55Kpa ambient pressure so using gauge pressure for boost control is not a good idea and a ambient pressure sensor is mandatory in the right place. Believe me this is boring and it need a load of calculations done and these control strategies are very redundant just in case senor fail others will take over recalculating things and it’s not like there are a load of extra sensor used as for every sensor not used it can not create problems. Also clean programming stuff helps reducing problems so it’s not like on many after marked ECU you will have a load of options taking space reducing ECU loop speed and out performance.

Project engineering. I was part of a study on what will be the best combination to get good results in the fastest time keeping thing within the budged. The result of this all is 70% calculations 10% testing individual components and only 20% fun part running it as build and short after the rest of the world will test it in real live so in general we test stuff 2 to 5 year upfront before it gets into production and we done some Euro6 diesel projects using a pre production engine running they most demanding off road Le Dakar Rally with no problems while main production engines still had to overcome some problems.

As last and I hope this is understood. If you know petrol engines well and you think you can use this know how on a diesel. Better not. The only thing in common are the precipitated parts in the engine but not even the piston can be compared. Messing about as a diesel tuner can be fun and can bring good results as well but if you do not know the injection systems from the ground up and able to make the calculation you can easily end up with a very limited life time of you engine and injection system if you start making modifications to both hardware and software do not expect it to be easy and it can be dangerous as well as a runaway diesel engine can explode and it’s not like an engine manufactured dos a bust containment like they do with turbochargers to find out if engine internal will stay inside the box! My favourite is the flywheel as it makes the most damage if it let out of the housing with great force. LOL.

Remember a diesel engine has a self combusting process and it will run on most things that are able to burn including engine oil and all kinds of vapour so a hole in a piston or broken turbo leaking oil can make your engine run out of control. Youtube is full of it just by looking for runaway diesel engine. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3dKbtGLM9g]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3dKbtGLM9g

Also in general the diesel industries dos not like petrol heads a lot and it’s something you have to get use to not speaking the same language even. Injector dead time is a no go for example. Or OEM commonrail injector not being accurate and saying this in public they will try to kill you for it as it our pride to make bigger and better and more accurate injectors and we are also a part of this development but some NDA will kill a load of this conversation for the most essential parts involved in correct controlling them, sorry.

Assuming things and telling it as this is how things work is a big problem for us as it will blur even professionals in there way of trouble shooting things. And yes also a common problem is getting information regarding diesel injection system as they are very restricted so for most of us trail and error need to take place and it’s not uncommon while handling OEM warranty evaluations that things need to be explained to the technical experts from a OEM on how things can happed and what to look for next time. That’s how bad it can be and best solution on this is to focus on one diesel injection system only as other may look the same but end up being completely different.

Have fun making power.

Just a day in the office testing some stuff.


Scania V8 Hotrod making a run in the dark.

Build still not complete but a test run is always fun and I know this V8 creation has a lot of fans. Just this V8 sound! No need to explain….. Loads of power unable to get traction

Engine Scania DC1601 560Hp standard. Fuel system electronic activated pump injectors and fuel set-up somewhere around 1000Hp running a standalone diesel aftermarket ECU system.


New Scania V8 brought to life for the MVJ2 Semi Truck Puller

Back to the 130mm bore size for this year so from 16.4L to just over 17L by fitting a different crank.



Wow! That's impressive stuff, Ruud! All of it! Diesels are awesome engines as I found out being around some rather large ones during generator training.

I've got to admit, those Dakar trucks are my favorite vehicles competing in motorsport today. It's amazing to think a 20,000-pound behemoth can travel through those stages at 60mph that even a trophy truck would be careful on. I look forward to seeing what projects you're working on!

Strandrace IJmuiden Vick Verstijnen Racing. shake down of the rebuild Rally truck.





Some more data on this engine set-up.

ECU Adaptronic 1280DI version for direct injection use.

Programmed for extreme conditions where sensor dropout is a real scenario and other sensor along with a mix of calculations can estimate things so limp home mode dos not effect power and if it dos you always have the option to overrule them.

Things like MAF sensor are not used on these big engines, the biggest one I found dos 0,5Kg/sec and is 5% accurate in it’s reading and so do many others MAF sensor sp I never use them. I use MAP/MAT and ambient pressure to calculate fuel mass/stroke.

The ECU got cruise control, multiple speed limiter and used both gearbox and GPS speed to maintain speed within 0,2Km/hour. Torque control is somewhat special as it still give you this WRX rally response feeling but while having airtime with a jump and no traction the RPM dos not shoot up a lot to prevent damage to the drive line.

Dataloger: AIM MXG logging both ECU as well as some sensor around the engine.

This data logger is maxed out in both display and alarm functions from giving massages to changing collar in the display so it dos it all from diagnostic tool to speed limiter settings.

Separate to this things like oil pressure and engine temp can be read from analogue gauges as a back-up.

Engine. 12,7L commonrail Euro6 2800Bar fuel pressure max. Power output 1130Hp >5Kn torque max boost only 360Kpa build by a BorgWarner S472SX-E and controlled in close loop via a proportional valve and a TiAl MVS-A wastegate. This is boost control 1.2 where we mapped out the turbo into the engine management system so we do not have the need for a turbo speed sensor to know where we are in the compressor flowmap. And yes we use AMP as well. The ECU even knows if the wastegate dos not work properly and no we do not use power reduction on boost pressure as things like EGT and compressor discharge temp and EMP will do a better job on a diesel

Diesel power to the max. One of our semi truck puller in action for the first time.

It got a new build Scania V8 17L engine and it’s running on our Adaptronic 1280DI ECU.

It run 2x S591SX turbo in parallel and Hp is about 2500.

We do have limits and one of them is max RPM and that’s set to 2900RPM and the pulling sled is reading the engine RPM as well so if you go over you get disqualified so we put some effort in it to program the ECU to do 2 things.

@ the start we boost things up in a bit the same way as ALS dos by placing retarded injection during the exhaust stroke. @ the same time we are maintaining max RPM and that dos sound simple but infect it’s not as under boost the engine is able to accelerate 200Rpm per 90 degrees crank angle and by just governing engine RPM @ this rate of acceleration it will kick all fuel off dropping the turbo off boost pulling them in to compressor surge so I done a bit of programming there and yes this ECU is running a ultra fast FPGA processor that will support all we need on controlling this engine.




Just some days in the office building some diesel engines.

Orange engine is last model 13L Scania engine used for off road long distance rally and the grey engine is our 13L D26E6 engine for race use.

Both engines make way over 1000Hp and between 5000 and 6000Nm easy and have all steel internals and that goes for the pistons as well.





Project completed. D26E6 race engine break in test. Layout of this one about 1350Hp but slam on a bigger turbo and it will do 1500 no problem.

For those who wonder why are the charge pipes are not connected. Well back in 2016 I nearly killed my self twice testing the same engine application. 1e time it broke all both on the dyno drive shaft running low end power and second time a charge pipe came off with a load of boost on full power and as these engines are out of development and as the this dyno is nowhere close able to handle the power and the ECU software likes to build boost on part load better run it some time NA on the smoke limit giving the piston rings some time the set well on the lines.


Really like the last generation AIM data loggers with the icons on the bottom of the screen able to inform the driver a lot better what is going on. Before we had only text bottom of the screen like NO GPS speed signal. Now the icon goes from red to yellow and green if GPS speed signal drops it will use gearbox speed and if this fails it will speed limit on engine RPM as well and the icon associated with it will chance collar. Same goes for oil pressure and engine temp. Speed limit European truck racing is 160Kmh and we able to control this within 0,2Kmh with some software that can do so tricks with speed and toque control as well so driver assist with pre-programmed setting for track conditions as traction control is not allowed.


With the virus ongoing all motor sport events are postponed till later date we all hope and motor sport teams extending development time on these project having time to do so we are on full load producing all kind of ECU & ECM. US & Canada seems to build C17 CAT a lot able to run the hi RPM with the smaller stroke of a C15 I think and C18 bore size combination and think you can order these as a kit as well. And yes these are semi truck engine mainly pulling applications and running over 4000Rpm are no exception.

Also coming up is a V8 project with the CP9 fuel system on it. We used it on a V12 Detroit 2 stroke but the power produced was far more that these engines can handle. Must say CP9 fuel system old and proven but the pump takes a load of power compared to the newer fuel systems on the marked today producing the same amount of fuel and without modification they will fail running hi pressure as most fuel systems we do run over 2500Bar easy with all the benefits that come with it offering better stability in general.


Hart to tell what updates are done on the Dakar Speed Rally truck. Team is doing a load of shakedown on the truck and I done the first dialling the numbers in the ECU as we use the last generation 12.7L XPI Scania engine with second last generation fuel system with some of the stuff we developed last year and that in conjunction with the stainless steel exhaust manifold and TiAl Turbine housing and 6 speed Alison 4000 series AT makes it a interesting fast combination but as for the testing I did we did not have the longer final drive limiting top speed and gear step of way less than 400Rpm your only able to do top end RPM where your not using max torque and the TCM having a hard time keeping up with the engine hitting the rev limiter multiple times. So hope we have the Rally truck up to specification with the final drive and minimum weight as it should be as it’s under it class weight limit and yes that’s a good thing as the old Rally truck was more than 1500Kg to heavy so this alone will make this new truck a lot faster even if we drop some engine power.

Some numbers on the 12.7L. Single turbo 72mm inducer size to avoid inlet retractor on front of compressor able make way over 5000Nm hitting the 1000Hp mark @ 1460Rpm and peak power of 1130Hp @ 1820RPM and on top end 980Hp so ideal you want this engine from 1000Rpm to max 2200Rpm on acceleration and 2400Rpm on top speed and as there is a speed limit of 140kmh most of the time you need way less than 500Hp to keep it there.

Also new challenge will be the cooling system. The Alison transmission got retarder or transmission break in it able to produce a load of heat load in the cooling system in a short time and same goes or the engine as well as it runs very efficient and this in combination with a large cooler it’s essential to prevent thermo shock getting a load of cold coolant into the engine to fast cracking the engine block so in total we have 4 coolant temp sensor and smart fan control in a attempt to keep some temperature in the cooler but same time we have the intercooler in front of the engine cooler so the ECU has an control strategy that allows more air inlet temp dependant on engine load conditions so in all you try to reduce fan power to minimum as the fan power takeoff is easy over 30Kw and that easy moves all small stuff in the workshop to one end of the shop like I giant leaf blower.


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