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Hi from Barbados

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Hi everyone, I have a 2008 subaru JDM S-gt /WRX Which I would like to sucessful tune after completing the course. I have inadvertently a couple modification to the car after replacing the turbo, one thing just lead to another:). However, she is currently running on what I think is a base map and awaiting a final tune.

My problem is, there are limited quality tuners on the island and the waiting list for the most popular for subaru tuner is long. I usually do most of the servicing of my car so I thought to myself I should take a course, unexpectedly I happen to find HPA online and said this is god sent.

My goal with this course and the collective imputed from all members of HPA is to first successfully and safely tune my car and then offer the car enthusiasts in my island a safe, reliable and cost-effective option to having there cars tuned.

To the end I would like to asked my first question, from your collective experience what software and hardware would you guys suggest for my JDM subaru. I am currently looking at purchasing a tactrix unit what are your thoughts.

The tactrix is a good starting point along side open source software but one think to note is on some 2008+ ukdm cars it doesn't communicate as they have been factory refreshed using ECUTEK.

Welcome.e to the forum

Thanks Chris250 for your response, the Tactrix is the lowest costing units for tuning which attracted me as a beginner; however I wouldn't want to skip on money when it can be spent on a more suitable device. as you have realised my intent is to have factory ECU tuned for the mods I have fitted to the car(nothing fancy) so she can run efficiently and safe.

I believe my car is from the JDM market as all its reference markings are in what I think to be Japanese or Chinese, You have highlighted the UKDM cars have communication issues with Tactrix, what would you suggest would be a unit I should consider? I know ECUTeck is at the higher end in relation to coast but if that's what it takes then so be it. Additionally, could you recommend a reliable open source software packet, in my earlier investigation into tuning I came across a few and was unsure which would be right for my car.

For open source I personally use ROM Raider, ECU Edit and ECU flash on the Subaru cars and a Tactrix cable.

What you could also look into is the Cobb access port, I've never used it but I understand it is end user friendly and cheaper than ECUTEK, which is aimed at tuners.

If you ask in the general section you may get a better response from someone who has used each of these systems.

thanks for your suggestions, i will look into getting the software. i have also heard the Cobb unit doesn't work with the JDM Subarus but i will investigate it further.

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