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rookie from the UK

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Hi all, here to learn some more about cars and like minded people.

So I am totally self taught up to now (learning some stuff from HPA now), cars are more of a hobby, too little time and cash to make it into anything else but I enjoy it none the less.

Still working through my first real project, an engine swap from a mazda MPS into a MX5/Miata NC about double the original power with the stock engine.

Done this while also helping my brother put a ford focus st 2.5 i5 engine into a ford escort mk4.

Both are road legal here in the UK and working out the smaller kinks inherent with these kind of builds.

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Welcome Scott!

Welcome to the forum Scott, the MPS engine is a new one for me, normally people boost the OE engine, fit the ADM 2.5 bottom end or do both. What ECU are you going to use?

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