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Anyone ever had issues with an i2 log?

MoTeC M1 Software Tutorial

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I had a customer recently that called to complain about a corrupt data file -- it just showed a nearly flat speed trace. No other channels showed changes. Just 160 minutes of bad data. I asked what the conditions were to start / stop the logigng, and found he was using RPM and GPS speed. Turns out he forgot to turn off the car before loading it in his fiberglass trailer, and he had overwritten his race data with logged data from the tow home!

I've been using MoTeC for about 20 years, and I've only ever lost one data file due to a crash of the computer.

Good to hear you solved your problem.

Good to hear you've only ever had one issue. I was pretty happy when I found out it was just the file on the USB.

I always try and pull my data straight after a race - else I forget.

That's unfortunate about old mates file. I have always gone off a low RPM trigger for logging. Another guy was using GPS speed, but had issues with his GPS and missed out on getting logs of some fuel surge he was having issues with. He also didn't know how to change the set up (racepak dash) so he could actually get logs for that weekend. Not sure why his tuner set it up to only go off GPS speed.

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