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calabrating lambda sensor Motec m150

MoTeC M1 Software Tutorial

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Do you have to calibrate the sensor for correct readings when using the LTC on a motec m150?

The LTC uses the calibration resistor in the sensor itself, so it does not need calibration.

hmm interesting, the dyno I was using last week was reading different to what my actual sensor was in my car. I just wanted to make sure mine was good.

Hard to say which is right (or are they each a bit inaccurate?) Here are some things to think about:

Were the sensors located at the same location? A sensor located at the tailpipe often reads a bit leaner at low flows, and any exhaust system leaks will also cause it to read leaner.

Did you try swapping sensors for either the LTC or the dyno wideband? It is possible for sensors to get contaminated (excess lead in the fuel), or damaged (excess temperatures, thermal shock with startup water vapor if the sensor was already hot). Having a spare "standard" sensor is good practice for the dyno, as you can quickly confirm that the sensor reads the same as a new/lightly used one. Once confirmed, the new one is removed and stored for the next time a validation is required.

What type of wideband controller was used on the dyno? And how is it connected to the dyno? Analog voltage is common and can easily be the least accurate.

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