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idle throttel

MoTeC M1 Software Tutorial

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how i can tune idle throttel?

more details, please. Are you talking about drive-by-wire?

Yes DBW throttle, when I start my engine the rpm 3000 , I change some numbers in (idle throttle ) and my rpm drop but my rpm not stable .

how I can tune the (idle throttle)?

Hi Husain,

Andre covers this better than we will be able to explain in writing as the topic is quite broad


You will need to ensure you have the appropriate throttle servo calibration settings before attempting to tune any of the idle control parameters.

Do you have any logging showing the issues you are experiencing?

First you need to set "Idle Actuator Throttle Aim Maximum" (you can change it later, but this will affect all the "Idle Mass Flow xxx" numbers, so if you change it you will need to re-do them. This value is the amount the throttle will be opened when 100 is used for the Mass Flow.

Your basic throttle position is set with "Idle Mass Flow Feed Forward Main". This is the percentage of the "Idle Actuator Throttle Aim Maximum" that will be used for a given Idle Aim and Coolant Temperature.

This is modified by the "Engine Post Start Idle Mass Flow Feed Forward", so you want to make sure that has 0 in the right-most column. Usually this is only needed for a couple of seconds.

Now the idle control system will try to find the necessary mass flow using the Idle Mass Flow Integral and Proportional parameters to adjust it. Usually adding some proportional gain will help the system find the Mass Flow, that you can transfer to the "Idle Mass Flow Feed Forward Main" table. Once tuned you can remove the proportional gain, and just let the Integral Gain handle any adjustments.

Use the Help system to read all the details of Idle and Mass Flow parameters.

Thanks for all,I done with it 🙏

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