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Removing unneeded item from the data logging.

MoTeC M1 Software Tutorial

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there are a handful of channels that are using up logging space that I am not able to get rid of. Things like "Lap Beacon" and "Throttle Servo 2". if I remove them I get a screen that tells me the logging diagnostics are not setup. I click OK and then the items are added back into the logging system. I have level 2 logging enabled.

Hi Bob,

There is a pre-specified set of diagnostic channels in the M1 Packages that is automatically added into the logging set, and cannot be removed/edited without the use of M1 Build and a development Licence. I am aware that some of these channels are redundant to most people, and I understand that it can be annoying. Work is being done to make it so that the only diagnostic channels that are added are those that are in use. This should be resolved in the next major update of the GP Packages.

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