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Switching Tune/Package via switch?

MoTeC M1 Software Tutorial

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In a MoTeC M1.

I am aware that you are able to switch between fuel mixture aim tables (A-B) and ignition tables (A-B) via driver switch or keypad.

But, is it possible to switch between two different packages via driver switch? Like how you were able to in the MoTeC M600, M800?

If not, how would I handle a situation with an M130 ECU where I would need to tune a vehicle once with two different fuels like Q16 race gas and pump 93 octane and then have a switch and have it run flawlessly. Since Q16 has a different stoichiometric value (13.33 vs 14.7) and requires a 5% increase in fuel flow in general to achieve the same lambda target.


No, this is not possible to run multiple maps. But perhaps you could run multiple ECU's and let the switch control some relays to select which ECU is active - I'm sure there are all kinds of issues with backpowering the disabled ECU -- maybe you leave both on, but only one is in the Run state.

You might be able to get someone to customize a package for you that had a table for Fuel Properties (Fuel A & Fuel B), and allowed a driver switch to change that. Or they could take the Alternate Fuel Mode - add a "Switched Fuel" type, and use the Alternate Fuel Properties for your switched fuel.

Hi Hamad,

The short answer is that you can't do exactly this, the fuel properties are defined and can't be influenced by a driver switch.

Having said that, it might be possible to use the alternative fuel subsystem as a way of working around this.

Typically you would use this for an engine which runs on a gasoline fuel and an ethanol based fuel so the ECU can blend between at any composition percentage as defined by a fuel composition sensor.

You should be able to assign a physical resource with only two voltage states (switch on/switch off) and configure the translation table so that when the switch is off the fuel composition sensor reports 0 and when the switch is on the composition sensor reports 100.

Once this is configured the fuel properties used for the fuel calculation will be defined by the alternative fuel properties, this will also allow you to use the alternative fuel mixture aim, and ignition timing tables.

It should basically be the same as configuring E85 flex fuel but the fuel composition can only be 0 or 100.

That's a clever solution -- probably worth trying.

Thank you for the great replies. I will try out Scott's solution.

Keep us up to date I am interested to hear how this works out

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