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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Fabrication Fundamentals
My solution to the usual issue of having a legal handbrake/ebrake with 4 pot calipers.
This is my third iteration, and first that I am actually happy with.
Might be of interest to anyone in the same situation. And a simple example of fabrication with a mill.
Cool, I like the nylon inserts and SS guides for the sliders.
Hard to tell, but looks like the mounting bolts screw into the plate sandwiched between the housing and disk? If there isn't enough thread engagement, you could consider a stepped insert into the axle mount it can be threaded into?
I don't recognise, off hand, the calipers - what are they?
About the only comment is I might look at re-machining the mounts to get rid of the spacers, but that's just me.
The mounting bolts screw in to k-nuts, the plate you can't see very well is to mount the wheel speed sensor. The sensor was also going to mount on the caliper bracket but it was too far to reach.
The spacers are there because I didn't have the right size material! Will probably machine new one piece brackets when fully tested.
The callipers are made by a UK company called Hispec Motorsport. It is there third version of handbrake caliper and streets ahead of the previous offerings. Certainly better than the Wilwood spot caliper I used before that needed constant adjustment and tended to jam on.
Ah, cool, ta. I haven't looked at the Hi-Spec offerings for ages, good time to see what they have.
I used to have there race 4 pot calipers from 15 years ago, they have come on a long way since then. Plus the lady that does the admin seems to have sorted out the customer service issues.
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