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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wheel Alignment Fundamentals
May I just ask if a positive scrub radius leads to more torque steer, conversely what will a negative scrub radius have effect on? And how will both of these will affect the load on the suspension components and wheel bearings? Thank you in advance.
A positive scrub radius will increase the effect of torque steer on FWD and powerful 4WD cars. The more you increase the scrub radius, the more you will increase the load on the wheel bearings in particular.I haven't really given much consideration to negative scrub radius as it is usually difficult to achieve given proximity to the suspension components and in almost every situation when moving to aftermarket wheels and tyres you'll be increasing the scrub radius, not reducing it.
Thank you very much Andre! That has cleared alot of misconceptions that I have, and will be keeping that in mind when I upgrade to a different tyre and rim package next summer for use at our local track here.
As a better overall result though, is better to have more scrub radius, but wider tyres correct?
To explain what i mean, lets assume that i want to upgrade my car with wider tyres, but I cannot keep the same wheel offset and just get a wider rim because on the inside of the wheel weld my space is limited. My only option is actually to go with a lower offset wheel, just keeping in mind not to go too aggressive.
Doing this i will end up with more scrub radius where i was before. But i guess my grip will be greater than before.
Whats your opinions?
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