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Static camber compensation for driver weight

Motorsport Wheel Alignment Fundamentals

Relevant Module: Wheel Alignment Terminology > Camber

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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wheel Alignment Fundamentals

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In an ideal world should static cambers be set with the driver in the car (or their equivalent weight in the car instead)? Or is driver weight only compensated by setting corner weights?

Pretty much all alignment sheets I've ever seen would show static camber values to be equal on both sides of an axle. And I've not been conscious that these values are always taken with driver weight compensation.

Some manufacturers have specific proceedures for setting the alignment, but as a general good practice, all alignment and corner weights should be set in the condition that best matches how the vehicle will be used.

That means the usual driver, co-driver/navigator if applicable, fluids (including fuel) around the mid level, etc.

+1 for Gord's comment.

On an endurance race car, fuel level used for alignment becomes something to ponder a bit, because fuel weight can vary so much.

For race cars, we often do an alignment with the driver weight (actual driver in the car). We then have the driver get out, and determine the resulting measurements. For example, we might determine that with the driver in a right-hand drive sports racer we have even weights across the front, but the Right Front is 16 lbs light with no driver. Now future corner weighting (adjusting for tire sizes, spring changes, etc) just targets 16 lbs light on the right front, and when we pop the driver back in, we will be where we expect to be.

The same adjustments apply to ride height in our cars, but toe/camber are not usually affected,

You don't use a smart driver for this testing David?

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