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Dash restoration parts

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I'm doing a little work on Dash in one of my trucks and want to repair the light filters for the "Hi-Beam", "Emergency Brake" and "Turn Signals". Does anyone know of a car that might have something similar being made by a restoration business? (Every time I forget and turn the hi-beam lights on it blinds me!)

I figure some where in the world someone makes these filters with the symbols printed on them all ready. I have attached two pictures of what I am talking about.

None of the Ford truck restoration businesses (LMC, NPD) in the States sale anything. Any idea's would be appreciated.

Attached Files

G'day Joshua.

I've done a few jobs like this before on old japanese cars, where parts are made of unobtainium. I got some thin (~1mm) clear plastic sheet, and cut out the size pieces I needed. I then lightly bead blasted the surface so it was pretty diffuse and would distribute light as evenly as possible. Then, using a colour laser printer I printed out a coloured section, with the text I needed onto the clear overhead projector (OHP) sheet. Cut this to the same required shape as the small piece of plastic, glued them together, and ended up with something passable. Really fiddly, took way too much time, but the result wasn't too bad. Hope that gives you something to go on :-).

I really hoped to find some small stencils of the arrow’s and hi-beam symbol.

I was just hoping someone knew of a company that might sell stuff like this for automotive instrument restoration.

One place I haven’t tried is a scale model hobby shop, I’ll probably find something there.

Thanks, just thought I would ask, no big deal.

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