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Equipment purchasing confusion

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I've finished watching almost all of the modules, but now the only thing I don't understand is what equipment I need to purchase. My intentions of this post isn't just to be spoon fed answers I'm just having a hard time understanding what is needed.

The car/s being tuned are VAG cars, specifically VW and reflashed. Mostly road/ track tuned but can also use a dyno but those are difficult to find in China. So I'm assuming I will be needing a data logger or some sort.

I've seen some products online that allow you to reflash an ECU, such as a cable that plugs into the OBD port. Do these usually come with software, or do you buy the adapter and the software separately

To recap, can I purchase a data logger, this OBD adapter for reflashing and software and be able to reflash an ECU.

Im sorry if this is a silly question, when I came here to learn I had no prior knowledge of tuning so this is all new to me.

Reflash or (in the case of 80s and 90s cars) chip tuning is very application specific. Exactly what engine and vehicle did you have in mind? Generally you pick a reflash tool and buy whatever it is they sell. So HP tuners has a thing (mostly GM, Ford, Chrysler), Cobb Accessport has a thing (Subarus but also now BMW, Ford, Porsche etc), some platforms have an open source solution that might use a VAG com cable.

it would be mid 2008+ specifically my engine is the VW EA113 TFSI 2.0L. Although I have some other cars I can practice on such as Honda Jazz/ GK5. Toyota crown V6 models

Thanks for your reply!

There are a few options out there. I'm assuming you have a GTI. You can get a Cobb Accessport if you just want to have an off the shelf map or pay someone to professionally do it. I don't think DIY AccessTuner is available for VW applications through Cobb, but it is for Subaru if you take a class. Cobb used to be more DIY friendly until they had some legal issues with people blowing up their engines and suing.

A few other options exist such as EuroDyne Maestro 7. https://www.uspmotorsports.com/EuroDyne-Maestro-7-Tuning-Suite-VW.html . You will have to dig through forums to get a list of what each map does.

Keep in mind that tuning German cars is in general more complicated than tuning almost anything else. They use very complicated algorithms that model engine torque and you have a lot to adjust.

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