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Hello everyone ,

I do not know if anyone else has experienced the same issues but sometimes (80% of the time) when I try to see my courses or any webinar my internet automatically gets disconnected and have to do troubleshout to recconect and it happens over and over . Is there any settings on my computer as I do not believe that its the provider cause I live in Australia but for the past 2months I have moved to Europe and the same happens here as well . All other websites regardless if it is a streaming service or type of website do not cause me any issues . I have tried also different browsers routers etc.

Are you using the latest version of chrome? I'd suggest trying that before anything else. Let us know if the problem persists. To my knowledge we don't have anyone else complaining of issues.

Just to give an update I did some corrections to my connection through the command prompt and it seems to be working at the moment . If the issues continue I will give you an update .

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