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Motorsport jobs in AU/NZ

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Hey guys, next year I'm finishing my masters degree in mechanical engineering and i would like to take a gap year in either AU/NZ (I'm from Slovakia). Since i can apply for the working holiday visa.

I dont really have mutch motosrport oportunities here and was always fascinated by oceania, so it's a win win.

But when i search online there seems to be very low demand in the motorsport field, especially in the development side of things. I can work with my hads also but its pretty mutch the same thing.

If any residents could point me in the rigt direction it would be very helpful :) Thank you

Hello René,

Maybe you already know about it, but there's a website called https://www.motorsportjobs.com/ with various opening all over the world. There doesn't seem to be much opportunities in your field / in the area you are looking for at this time unfortunately, but maybe it can helps!


Thanks Frank, I check out the site weekly. THanks for the reply :)

Can't help directly, but might help if you could give some of the experience you do have, your strengths, and what your specific interests are?

I mostly have expirience with japanese cars, but worked on some euro models also.

In high school i studied mechatronics, so i know a bit about CNC, also we had programming courses. But lately i usually work only with a CNC plasma cutter and 3D printing. Since mechatronics also contains electonics, i have basic knowlage in wiring. I've wired some switches and relays in cars before. I know basic welding with MIG and TIG. Worked on some engine reconditiong jobs, but mostly to stock. The performance engine building knowlage is mostly from here or own research. CAD modeeling is also one of my strong suits, but right now I'm starting to learn Fusion since my employer uses it. I have expirience with AutoCAD, Catia and Creo.

For car work i mostly have expirience from helping my freind build up his Celica GT4 rally car. Its a budget build but we try to take it the the best level we can, so we end up inventing a lot of the things we use. Also helped on a Fiat Punto hillclimb car with some engine mounts and bits.

I like to approach problems with a scientific approach and not just wingin it. So my interests lie in the field of RnD usually. But also dont have any problems with getting dirty.

For my masters thesis, i plan to take on the topic of racecar suspension kinematics and implementing it for a car. I've just haven't found anyone who is interested in it with a cool car.

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