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Remote tuning

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Hello guys i want to share some results from last week and weekend. I have been contact by a circuit racing team i Guatemala a couple weeks back for a ecu a recommended the team Link g4+ storm for the car and that time i did not know what car it was but i did know it was a Toyota 4efte 1.3l turbo engine that i know well..so i setup the ecu with a base map and sent out the ecu to Guatemala .and after couple of days thee mange to install the link ecu and apexi power fc been removed.car was ready to hit the dyno and that was for me really the first time to tune a car remotely. The tuning when good after a couple hours it was done.than same week was test day and a race event .on test day i need to make more adjustment in the fuel map and mostly in the link boost control to manage a 22psi target was not easy.2days and many laps the fuel map been re tune and boost control as there was over boost on the track . Saturday i still have some little boost spikes in the boost control setup and the team diced to qualify with the e-boost controller and the manage pole position with a lap time of 1.25.84sec.every body happy with results and Sunday race day the FS racing team manage to keep a head as a result of 1 place in the gts class .all hard work pay off and for me a good experience tuning a car remotely.i want to say Thanks To HPA to increase my knowledge in the standalone world .

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Great work Bellotech! I'm really happy that you've found HPA useful.

That's some good work.

I don't suppose you got to the bottom of the boost control issue?

What sort of power were you managing out of the 4E?

Good effort , nice car !! curious about the power too .

Its an endurance race or quick laps road race?

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